22 February 2010

Cake Glorious Cake

February has been a busy month so far, with several opportunities and excuses to whip up a batch of biscuits or cupcakes. Holly and I are launching our cake/party business in March, alongside our blog (fingswotarenice), so we have been visiting cake decoration shops and frantically exchanging emails containing recipes, research and ridiculous rambles about our hopes and dreams. ^ Pictured ^ are some red velvet valentines, sparkle hearts, and vanilla watermelons.

Some happy consumers

These are the gold cupcakes that we made for Craig Lawrence's presentation at London Fashion Week last Friday. They were vanilla sponge with chocolate buttercream icing and edible gold glitter. They proved to be quite popular! I even managed to feed some to the carpet by dropping some on the floor in front of some guests (embarrassing!!). The gold theme was inspired by Craig's AW10 collection, which is golden and fabulous! We also made some hangers for Craig's stand in the New Gen exhibition space, however in all the cake and icing madness I forgot to photograph them before they left Thames Ditton. So Holly is on the case and I shall hopefully be uploading a picture soon.

(gold cupcake photos by Jason Clark)

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