29 March 2010


We made Fred and Verity's 30th birthday cupcakes. They were deliciously cosmic and well received.

26 March 2010

daily rubbish

Our cupcakes have been featured on the daily rubbish blog!
We have also been busy making some rainbow delights for Fred Butler's birthday party tonight, watch this space, photos to be uploaded soon....

23 March 2010


We Make T-Shirts (see more here)

mental models on a shoot with Michael Otero

Dan Wilton shoots models wearing Charlie le Mindu hairpieces

Red Velvet cake, and no its not from Hummingbird bakery, WE BAKED IT!

Street style shoot with Grant Thomas and stylist Debbie Lerner, who we hope to meet again soon

A hectic five days was spent waking at the crack o' dawn to bake up some goodies, then transporting them rather precariously on public transport to Carnaby St. Tea & Cake with Fifi and Lola went well, lots of good feedback ("the most delicious brownies I have ever had" - Richard Danks) and lots of people asked us if we have a shop. So if anyone wants to fund/sponsor us to open one, I reckon we would have quite the successful tea time stop shop.
The event was a lot of fun and exciting to be a part of. I drank my body weight in Tiger beer and then Alibi the following mornings. Met some great people, watched Mike print loads of t-shirts and witnessed Andy cruising around on a guitar on wheels. splendid!

I await the printed version with anticipation and maybe even some fear, as Holly and I performed a glittery kitchen scene on Sunday afternoon for the magazine, to go alongside one of our recipes. I am still sparkling.

* Hooray to Chelsea and all her hard work, and to the team that helped her make it happen. *

09 March 2010


"Blood, Sweat & Fears is a live magazine taking place on Carnaby Street from Wednesday 17th- Sunday 21st March.

Open daily from 10am-9pm there are live events taking place throughout the week, with lots of free beer provided by Tiger for the evening events."

Holly and I (Fifi and Lola) will be hosting a tea & cake shop, open daily 2-6pm. Here, visitors can watch other goings-on in the gallery, chat, all whilst enjoying proper English tea and some delicious home-made cakes.

We also have some exciting plans for the private view, so watch this space!

Visit the Blood Sweat and Fears website at www.bloodsweatandfears.co.uk for more information.

Blood, Sweat & Fears is working in conjunction with Art Against Knives, a charity helping to reduce knife crime on the streets of East London through social initiatives
A donation of all onsite sales and all proceeds from the publication will go to AAK.

05 March 2010

JUMBLE SALE ~ the spring clean

This Sunday Fifi and Lola, aka me and Holly, will be selling fings wot are nice at the 'Let's Get Ready to Jumble' spring clean edition at Bar Music Hall on Curtain Road, London. I was spring cleaning our loft recently and dug out boxes of vintage Apple Computers t-shirts, sweatshirts and other goodies which my dear old Dad has let me have. So our stall will consist of menswear for Mac geeks, vintage delights from Lola's Vintage Wardrobe, handmade Easter & Mother's Day cards and gifts, jewels fit for a Queen, and of course some deeeeelicious CAKES!
Jumble mania goes from 12-6pm. Free entry! Amazing stuff at low low prices. Come on down! You'll find us near the bar (hopefully) munching cake and squarking.

03 March 2010

she just keeps me hanging on

Working with mount board hurts. Holly and I made these hangers for Craig Lawrence's gold A/W10 collection. The photo is the model used for Craig's film (sorry I don't remember her name). This collection appears to be pretty popular. Fans include Lady Gaga amongst many others.